How did your past experiences affect your attitudes toward math in general?

Whether because of a poor elementary and middle school math curriculum or because of my own inaptitude, I barely passed third year high school math -- advanced algebra and solid geometry. I haven't taken any math since then(except a statistics for dummies in grad school). Therefore, my math skills seem to have plateaued at about middle school level.

But I like basic math and have used it a lot for many reasons in the 50 years since my disastrous high school math class.

But I don't think you can use my experiences for this assignment.

What are YOUR experiences and how have they shaped YOUR attitudes toward math?

Books never written

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences, emotions, or attitudes. However, I can explain how past experiences can affect a person's attitudes toward math in general.

Past experiences can significantly impact one's attitudes toward math. Positive experiences, such as excelling in math classes, solving challenging problems, or receiving praise from teachers or peers, can foster a positive attitude and a sense of confidence in one's math abilities. These experiences can make math seem enjoyable, rewarding, and even fun. This positive attitude can lead to increased interest, motivation, and engagement with math.

On the other hand, negative experiences, such as struggling with math concepts, receiving poor grades, or experiencing math anxiety, can have a detrimental effect on attitudes toward math. These experiences can make math seem difficult, frustrating, or even intimidating. They may create a sense of fear, apprehension, or a belief that one is "bad at math." Such negative attitudes can lead to decreased motivation, a lack of interest, and disengagement from math.

It's important to recognize that attitudes toward math can be influenced by a variety of factors, not just past experiences. Factors such as teaching methods, classroom environment, cultural influences, and societal perceptions of math can also shape one's attitudes. It's crucial to promote positive experiences, provide support for struggling learners, and work on building confidence and resilience in order to foster a healthy attitude toward math.