Which of the following is NOT consumed by fungal decomposers?

A. First-order heterotrophs
B. Third-order heterotrophs
C. Producers
D. None of the Above

To determine which of the following is not consumed by fungal decomposers, we need to understand the trophic levels involved.

First-order heterotrophs are organisms that directly consume producers (plants or photosynthetic organisms) for energy. Third-order heterotrophs are organisms that derive energy by consuming second-order heterotrophs, which in turn consume first-order heterotrophs or producers.

Fungal decomposers, also known as saprophytic fungi, obtain energy by breaking down dead organic matter. They play a critical role in decomposition and recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Since fungal decomposers primarily consume dead organic matter, the answer to the question would be C. Producers. Producers are not typically consumed by fungal decomposers because they obtain energy directly from photosynthesis and are not part of the decaying organic matter that the fungi target.

In summary, the answer is C. Producers.