Which of the following is NOT consumed by fungal decomposers?

A. First-order heterotrophs
B. Third-order heterotrophs
C. Producers
D. None of the Above

Producers. C.

To determine which of the options is NOT consumed by fungal decomposers, we need to understand the role of fungal decomposers and their feeding habits.

Fungal decomposers, also known as saprophytic fungi, play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter in the environment. They obtain their nutrients by decomposing dead organic material such as dead plants, animals, and waste products.

Now, let's examine each option:

A. First-order heterotrophs: First-order heterotrophs are organisms that directly consume producers (plants). Fungal decomposers can indeed consume dead plants, so they do consume first-order heterotrophs. So option A is not the correct answer.

B. Third-order heterotrophs: Third-order heterotrophs are organisms that consume organisms in the food chain at least three levels away from producers. Since fungal decomposers mainly decompose dead organic matter and don't usually feed on living organisms, including third-order heterotrophs, option B is a possible answer.

C. Producers: Producers, such as plants, are organisms that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Fungal decomposers do not directly consume live producers but can decompose dead plant material. Therefore, option C is not the correct answer.

D. None of the Above: Since we have identified option B (Third-order heterotrophs) as a possible answer, we cannot choose option D as the correct answer since there is at least one option that fungal decomposers do not consume.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Third-order heterotrophs. However, it's worth noting that fungal decomposers may indirectly obtain nutrients from third-order heterotrophs by decomposing their remains or waste products.