Write 27 as a number is base five.

The number 1000^2 is what in base ten?

The intersection of two disjoint sets is?

Find the solution set of 8x = 32.

27 = 5^2 + 0(5^1) + 2

= 102 (base 5)

Is 1000^2 in binary, if so then you should not have used the digit 2.
clarify, is it already in base 10?

disjoint means that they have nothing in common,
so what do we call the set that contains nothing?

8x = 32
divide both sides by 8

It's 1000 to the second power in the base of ten.

To write 27 as a number in base five, we need to divide 27 by powers of five and express it as a combination of five's powers. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by dividing 27 by 5. The quotient is 5, and the remainder is 2. So, the rightmost digit in base five is 2.
2. Then, divide the quotient (5) by 5 again. The new quotient is 1, and the remainder is 0. So, the second digit from the right in base five is 0.
3. Finally, since the quotient is 1 and there are no more divisions possible, the leftmost digit in base five is 1.

Therefore, 27 in base five is written as 102.

To convert the number 1000^2 into base ten, we need to calculate the value represented by this number. Here's how to do it:

1. The expression 1000^2 represents 1000 multiplied by itself.
2. Calculate 1000 multiplied by 1000, which equals 1,000,000.

So, the value of 1000^2 in base ten is 1,000,000.

The intersection of two disjoint sets is an empty set.

When two sets are disjoint, it means they do not share any common elements. Therefore, their intersection is empty, and there are no elements that belong to both sets.

To find the solution set of 8x = 32, we need to isolate the variable x. Here's how to solve for x:

1. Start by dividing both sides of the equation by 8 to eliminate the coefficient on x.
8x/8 = 32/8
Simplifying gives: x = 4.

So, the solution set of 8x = 32 is {4}.