Looking at a basketball court diagram. The shaded area is the free throw lane and the arc that is attached to the lane only. Find the shaded part of this diagram. The foul line is 15 ft from the basket which is 4 ft from the end line. The lane is 12 ft wide. I am not sure I understand this at all.

Solu 1] the answer i add both syd and divide it by 2

To find the shaded part on the basketball court diagram, we need to determine the dimensions of the free throw lane and the arc. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Find the position of the foul line: The foul line is 15 ft from the basket. We can locate it by measuring 15 ft from the basket towards the center of the court.

2. Find the position of the basket: The basket is 4 ft from the end line. We can establish its location by measuring 4 ft from the end line towards the center of the court.

3. Determine the dimensions of the free throw lane: The lane is 12 ft wide, meaning it extends 6 ft on each side of the foul line. Draw two lines parallel to the sideline, 6 ft on each side of the foul line.

4. Determine the dimensions of the arc: The arc is attached to the lane only. Starting from the endpoint of each foul line, draw a quarter-circle with a radius of 6 ft until both arcs intersect.

5. Shade the defined area: Finally, shade in the area between the two parallel lines and the two quarter-circle arcs.

By following these instructions, you should be able to find the shaded part of the diagram on a basketball court.