What Groups benefited/didn't benefit from the Economy in the 1920's. I tried wikipedia and various websites all day,but no help. Can anyone answer this question without giving me links? I would really appreciate it!

Please refer to your later post, which I saw first.


Of course, I'd be glad to help you understand which groups benefited and which did not benefit from the economy in the 1920s. Rather than providing you with direct links, I will walk you through a step-by-step process to approach this question.

1. Start by understanding the economic trends of the 1920s: The 1920s in the United States is often referred to as the "Roaring Twenties" or the "Jazz Age," and it was a period of significant economic growth. This decade saw the expansion of manufacturing industries, increased industrial productivity, growing stock market speculation, and a rise in consumer spending.

2. Identify groups that likely benefited from the economic boom: Given the economic growth during this period, several groups likely experienced benefits. For example:

a. Business owners and industrialists: Those who owned and operated industries, such as manufacturing plants, benefited from increased production and demand for their products. They saw their profits rise and gained wealth and influence.

b. Stock market investors: With the growing stock market speculation, people who invested in stocks and participated in the market saw their investments increase in value, leading to potential financial gains.

c. Middle-class consumers: The increased industrial productivity and people's rising incomes allowed the middle class to engage in more consumer spending. They could afford new products, such as household appliances, automobiles, and radios, which contributed to their improved standard of living.

3. Explore groups that may not have benefited from the 1920s economy: While the 1920s were prosperous for many, certain groups faced difficulties:

a. Farmers: Despite the overall economic growth, the agricultural sector struggled during this era. Farmers faced several challenges, including falling crop prices, overproduction, and agricultural debts. These factors resulted in decreased income and financial hardships.

b. African Americans and other minority groups: Although there were economic advancements in the 1920s, racial discrimination persisted, limiting opportunities for African Americans and other minority groups. They faced difficulties in accessing well-paying jobs and economic opportunities, which restricted their ability to benefit fully from the economic boom.

c. Workers in certain industries: While some industries flourished, others faced labor strikes, job insecurity, and poor working conditions. Workers in sectors such as coal mining and textiles often did not experience the same benefits as their counterparts in more prosperous industries.

Remember, this is just a broad overview of the groups that may have benefited or faced challenges during the 1920s. You can research further to find more specific examples and circumstances that affected different groups within society.