Can some check my answers on bottom of each to see if there correct

1.The blanket (lay, laid) on the floor.

2.Albert (lay, laid) on the blue towel.

3. Severo had not (laid, lain) anything on this table

4.Milton has (laid, lain) in bed all day

6.Ezekiel (rose, raised) many new questions.

7 Effie (rose, raised) at five o'clock each morning.

8.Adriana has always (risen, raised) before noon.

9.Craig (rose, raised) the water level in the tank.

10.Opal did not (rise, raise) from her bed.

You have three wrong answers (all with lie/lay). Study these sites carefully.

To check if the answers are correct, we need to understand the difference between "lay", "laid", "lain", "rise", "raised", and "risen".

1. "Laid" is the correct answer. To determine this, we need to understand that "lay" is the past tense of "lie" (to recline or be in a horizontal position), and "laid" is the past tense of "lay" (to place something down in a horizontal position).

2. "Laid" is the correct answer. Again, we need to understand that "lay" is the past tense of "lie", and "laid" is the past tense of "lay".

3. "Laid" is the correct answer. Since "laid" is the correct past tense of "lay", it should be used here.

4. "Lain" is the correct answer. In this sentence, we need to use the past participle form of "lie" (which is "lain") instead of "laid" because "Milton has" indicates the present perfect tense.

5. There is no question numbered 5.

6. "Raised" is the correct answer. "Raised" is the past tense of "raise" (to lift or elevate something).

7. "Rose" is the correct answer. "Rose" is the past tense of "rise" (to move from a lower to a higher position or to get out of bed).

8. "Risen" is the correct answer. "Risen" is the past participle form of "rise" used in the present perfect tense, while "raised" is the past tense of "raise".

9. "Raised" is the correct answer. "Raised" is the past tense of "raise".

10. "Rise" is the correct answer. In this sentence, "rise" is the correct verb to indicate Opal getting out of bed.

Overall, your answers 1-4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 seem to be correct. Answer 5 is missing, so it cannot be assessed.