How did the vacuum packed canning change society? And does anyone know how long this invention lasted before it for replaced?

Vacuum packed canning preserved food so that it didn't spoiled. It was better than drying or salting food to preserve it.

We still have vacuum packed cans.

Oh, ok thanks. I have another question though. What were the different types of labor or jobs that were created in order to invent the invention?

Vacuum packed canning, also known as canning or canned food, had a significant impact on society. Let's explore how it changed society and how long it lasted before being replaced.

Canning, invented by Nicolas Appert in 1809, revolutionized the food preservation industry. By sealing food in airtight containers and then subjecting them to heat, canning created an oxygen-free environment, preventing spoilage and microbial growth. This breakthrough allowed food to be preserved for long periods, ensuring its availability beyond the harvest season and providing safe, nutritious sustenance during travels, military campaigns, and emergencies.

The impact of canning on society was profound. Here are a few ways it changed society:

1. Improved Food Preservation: Canning prevented food spoilage, reducing waste and enabling people to store food for extended periods. This contributed to improved food security and stability in communities.

2. Exploration and Expansion: The availability of canned food facilitated long journeys and expeditions, as it provided a portable and durable food source. This influenced exploratory expeditions, military campaigns, and colonization efforts.

3. Industrialization and Urbanization: Canning played a key role during the Industrial Revolution, as it allowed for mass production, standardization, and distribution of preserved food. This supported the development of urban centers and factories, enabling workers to access affordable and readily available sustenance.

4. Dietary Diversity: Canning enabled a wider variety of foods to be preserved and transported. This led to increased dietary diversity, as people could enjoy seasonal produce or exotic foods throughout the year, regardless of geographical constraints.

As for how long canned food lasted before being replaced, it's important to note that vacuum packed canning is still widely used today. While advancements in technology and food preservation methods have emerged over time, canned food remains popular due to its long shelf life, convenience, and reliability.

However, it is worth mentioning that other methods of food preservation, such as freezing, dehydration, and refrigeration, have gained popularity alongside canning. These alternative methods offer different benefits and are often used in conjunction with canned food, providing consumers with a variety of options for preserving and accessing nutritious meals.

In conclusion, vacuum packed canning had a transformative impact on society by improving food preservation, facilitating exploration and expansion, supporting industrialization, and increasing dietary diversity. Although other food preservation methods have emerged, canned food continues to be widely used due to its durability and convenience.