how to solve for 6e-6/x2(squared)=2e-6/(4-x)2(squared)

To solve the equation (6e-6/x^2) = (2e-6/(4-x))^2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the right side of the equation.
Start by simplifying the right side of the equation by squaring (4-x) and multiplying it by 2e-6:

(2e-6/(4-x))^2 = (2e-6)^2/(4-x)^2
= (4e-12)/(16 - 8x + x^2) [using the exponent rule]

Step 2: Simplify the left side of the equation.
Now, let's simplify the left side of the equation:

6e-6/x^2 = 6e-6 * (1/x^2)
= 6e-6/x^2 [e-6 * 1 = e-6]

Step 3: Set the two sides equal to each other.
Now, we can set the simplified left side equal to the simplified right side:

6e-6/x^2 = (4e-12)/(16 - 8x + x^2)

Step 4: Cross-multiply and simplify.
To eliminate the fractions, we can cross-multiply:

6e-6 * (16 - 8x + x^2) = x^2 * (4e-12)

Expand and simplify the equation further:

96e-6 - 48e-6x + 6e-6x^2 = 4e-12x^2

Step 5: Combine like terms and move all terms to one side.
Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:

6e-6x^2 - 4e-12x^2 = 48e-6x - 96e-6

Simplify the equation further:

2e-6x^2 = 48e-6x - 96e-6

Step 6: Factor out common terms and set equal to zero.
Factor out common terms on the right side of the equation:

2e-6(x^2) = 48e-6(x - 2)

Now, let's set it equal to zero by moving the terms on the right side to the left side:

2e-6(x^2 - 24(x - 2)) = 0

Step 7: Solve for x.
To solve for x, we can set each factor equal to zero:

2e-6 = 0 [Not possible, as e-6 is a positive value]

x^2 - 24(x - 2) = 0

Now, you can solve the quadratic equation x^2 - 24(x - 2) = 0 using factoring, completing the square, or the quadratic formula.