Can someone show me how to solve this problem step by step?Here is the problem, 26cm/s= m/min,how to solve it by convert rate suing dimensional analysis.

26 cm/s * 1 m/100 cm * 60 s/1 min

cm top and bottom cancel
s top and bottom cancel
left with m on top and min om bottom

Sure! To solve this problem using dimensional analysis, we need to convert the given rate of 26 cm/s to m/min.

Step 1: Identify the relationships between units.
We need to know the conversion factors between centimeters, meters, seconds, and minutes. The relationships are as follows:
1 meter = 100 centimeters (cm)
1 minute = 60 seconds (s)

Step 2: Set up the conversion factors.
We can set up two conversion factors to convert cm to m and s to min:
1 meter / 100 centimeters
1 minute / 60 seconds

Step 3: Set up the calculation.
To convert 26 cm/s to m/min, we can set up the equation as follows:
(26 cm/s) x (1 meter / 100 centimeters) x (1 minute / 60 seconds) = ? m/min

Step 4: Perform the calculation.
Now we can perform the calculation:
26 cm/s x 1 meter / 100 centimeters x 1 minute / 60 seconds = (26 x 1 x 1) / (100 x 1 x 60) = 0.0004333 m/min

Therefore, 26 cm/s is equivalent to 0.0004333 m/min.

Note: When using dimensional analysis, it's important to keep track of the units as they cancel each other out. This allows us to convert the initial units to the desired units.