Can anyone show me step by step how to solve this problem? 26cm/s = m/min convert this problem using dimensional analysis.kj

see the previous post.

Sure! To convert 26 cm/s to m/min using dimensional analysis, we need to use conversion factors that relate centimeters to meters and seconds to minutes.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Write down the given information:
26 cm/s

Step 2: Identify the conversion factors:
- 1 meter = 100 centimeters (cm)
- 1 minute = 60 seconds (s)

Step 3: Set up the conversion factor equation:
We want to cancel out cm and seconds to end up with m and minutes. So, we will set up the equation like this:
26 cm/s * (1 m/100 cm) * (60 s/1 min)

Step 4: Cancel out the corresponding units:
26 cm/s * (1 m/100 cm) * (60 s/1 min)
= (26 * 1 * 60) / (1 * 100 * 1) m/min

Step 5: Perform the calculation:
(26 * 1 * 60) / (1 * 100 * 1) m/min
= 1560 / 100 m/min
= 15.6 m/min

So, 26 cm/s is equal to 15.6 m/min.

By using dimensional analysis and following these steps, you can convert any given unit to the desired unit.