Corey has take a job with an initial salary of $26,000 an annual raises of $1,250/

(a) What will his salary be in the 6th year?

(b) How much money in total will Corey have earned after six years?

(a) a6 = 26000 + (6 - 1) 1250

(b) S6 = 6/2 (26000 + 1250)

End of 1st Yr: 26000 + 1*1250 = 27250.

End of 5th Yr.: 26000 + 5*1250 = 32250.

End of 6th Yr.: 26000 + 6*1250 = 33500.

To calculate Corey's salary in the 6th year, you can use the formula:

a6 = initial salary + (number of years - 1) * annual raise.

For Corey's salary in the 6th year:
a6 = $26,000 + (6 - 1) * $1,250.
First, subtract 1 from 6 to get the number of years Corey has been working. Then multiply that by the annual raise, which is $1,250. Finally, add that amount to Corey's initial salary of $26,000.

To calculate how much money Corey will have earned after six years, you can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series:
S6 = (number of terms / 2) * (first term + last term).

In this case, the number of terms is 6 because Corey has worked for 6 years. The first term is $26,000 (Corey's initial salary), and the last term is a6 (Corey's salary in the 6th year).

So, for Corey's total earnings after six years:
S6 = (6 / 2) * ($26,000 + a6).
First, divide the number of terms by 2, then multiply it by the sum of the first term and the last term.

Note: Remember to substitute the value of a6 in the equation before calculating S6.