The expression 2x^3(4-3x)-5x(x-2) is equal to?

*Please show me the steps to solve this problem! Thanks!

Just expand it ...

8x^3 - 6x^4 - 5x^2 + 10x

all done!

Why are you calling this trigonometry?

To simplify the expression 2x^3(4-3x) - 5x(x-2), we first need to apply the distributive property.

Step 1: Distribute the 2x^3 to the terms inside the parentheses (4-3x).
2x^3 * 4 = 8x^3
2x^3 * (-3x) = -6x^4

The expression now becomes:
8x^3 - 6x^4 - 5x(x-2)

Step 2: Distribute the -5x to the terms inside the parentheses (x-2).
-5x * x = -5x^2
-5x * (-2) = 10x

The expression now becomes:
8x^3 - 6x^4 - 5x^2 + 10x

Step 3: Combine like terms.
There are no like terms, so the expression is already simplified.

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 2x^3(4-3x) - 5x(x-2) is:
8x^3 - 6x^4 - 5x^2 + 10x.