what are two ways that i as a young citizen can became active in politics?

You can read about politics. Involve your friends in political discussions.

You can also volunteer at your local political party office. They always need volunteers to make phone calls and help send out mailings, especially during campaign seasons.

how can I become active in politics that would help promote causes that you believe in.

As a young citizen, there are several ways you can become active in politics and contribute to shaping your community or country. Here are two ways to get involved:

1. Stay Informed: Start by educating yourself about politics and understanding current events. Stay updated on local, national, and international news by following reliable sources. This will help you understand the issues and challenges faced by your community and country more effectively.

- Read newspapers, online news sources, and magazines.
- Follow reliable news outlets on social media.
- Watch political debates and discussions.
- Engage in conversations with family, friends, and teachers on political topics.

2. Join Youth Organizations or Clubs: Many organizations and clubs focus on engaging young people in politics and civic activities. Joining these groups can provide a platform for learning, networking, and collective action.

- Look for local or national youth political organizations or clubs that align with your interests or values.
- Participate in workshops, seminars, or webinars that provide political education and advocacy training.
- Attend town hall meetings and community events to learn about the issues affecting your area.
- Volunteer for political campaigns during elections. This could involve canvassing, phone banking, or assisting with events.

Remember, getting involved in politics is a long-term process that requires patience, dedication, and an open mind. Start small, build your knowledge, and gradually expand your involvement to make a meaningful impact.