Comper the size of the sodium,carbon(in the dextrose), nitrogen, and silver atoms.list them in order of smallest to largest.?

You can find the sizes here.

To compare the size of atoms, you can look at the atomic radius, which is the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electron shell. The atomic radius generally decreases across a period (from left to right on the periodic table) and increases down a group (vertically on the periodic table).

Let's compare the atomic radii of sodium (Na), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and silver (Ag) and arrange them in order from smallest to largest:

1. Carbon (C): Carbon contains six electrons, and its atomic radius is relatively small due to its strong nuclear attraction and compact electron configuration.

2. Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen contains seven electrons, and its atomic radius is slightly larger than carbon. This increase in size is due to the addition of an extra electron shell.

3. Sodium (Na): Sodium contains 11 electrons, and its atomic radius is larger than carbon and nitrogen. This increase in size is because sodium is located in the third period of the periodic table and has additional electron shells.

4. Silver (Ag): Silver contains 47 electrons, and its atomic radius is larger than all the previously mentioned atoms. This increase in size is due to the additional electron shells and the shielding effect of the inner electrons.

Therefore, the order from smallest to largest atomic radius is: Carbon (C) < Nitrogen (N) < Sodium (Na) < Silver (Ag).