I am having a difficult time finding enough information on what specific offenses would preclude teacher candidates from receiving clearance to teach in oklahoma and the different tiers or classes for approval based on prior convictions that might exist in my state. Can you please point me in the right direction... I have been searching the internet for days and cannot find anything to help me with this assignment. Thank you in advance

This will not be on the internet.

there are two questions here:
1) getting the certificate from the state agency. You need to find out if a criminal background is checked, and if so, what offenses preclude issuing a certificate. YOu will have to call the state board of education.
2) getting hired: the local school board does that, and any superintendent worth his salt does a cbc on a hiring, and check references. What they approve and disapprove will probably never be in writing, but my guess is convictions of moral turpitude or danger to students would preclude hiring. Ask your local school superintendent on this.

Thank you for your time. I will contact the appropriate people tomorrow to hopefully get some answers.

Of course! It can sometimes be challenging to find specific information regarding teacher clearance requirements in a particular state. Here are some steps you can take to find information on the offenses that could prevent teacher candidates from receiving clearance and the approval tiers or classes for prior convictions in Oklahoma:

1. Start with the official Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) website: The OSDE oversees teacher certification and would be the most reliable source of information. Visit their website at https://sde.ok.gov/ and look for sections related to teacher certification or background checks.

2. Look for specific documents or policies: Check for any documents, such as "Teacher Certification Handbook" or "Background Check Guidelines," which may outline the specific offenses that could preclude teacher candidates from receiving clearance. Look for details on approval tiers or classes for prior convictions as well.

3. Search for state laws or administrative codes: Utilize online legal resources that provide access to state laws or administrative codes for Oklahoma. These can often provide more detailed information on specific offenses and the corresponding consequences for teachers seeking clearance.

4. Check the Oklahoma Statutes and the Oklahoma Administrative Code: These resources contain all the laws and regulations for the state. For Oklahoma Statutes, visit https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/start.asp?viewType=general and for the Oklahoma Administrative Code, visit http://www.oar.state.ok.us/.

5. Contact the Oklahoma State Department of Education directly: If you still can't find the information you need, consider reaching out to the OSDE directly. They may be able to provide guidance or direct you to the specific resources you need.

Remember, when researching specific legal or policy information, it's essential to rely on official sources such as government websites or reputable legal resources to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Best of luck with your assignment!