I need help making a four page newspaper on the play, The Crucible, by Monday, December 20. Please help?

What is your question on it?

I would look at what things newspapers have in them and add them. Your front page has the biggest news stories. Use that to include the resolution to the conflict in the play. Include a part for the reader to read the background story on page 2.

You can also include:
--an editorial section with letters to the editor from different characters.
--comic strips about the play's events. (Would Garfield have any smart alec remarks towards John about the play?)
--games, such as a word search or crossword puzzles related to the play.
--personal ads from the characters. (I do not know the play, really. Would someone be seeking a new lover after the villain died?)
--classified ads for objects used in the play for sale.

My question is mainly asking for help on how to start it. I know about the play and I have read it over and over, I just can't get any ideas on what to write and how to make it interesting, but also fun.

Thanks for your input though :)

Of course, I can help you with that! Creating a four-page newspaper on a play like "The Crucible" can be an exciting project. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Research the play: Begin by reading and familiarizing yourself with "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. Understand the plot, themes, characters, and historical context of the play. Take notes on significant events, conflicts, and dialogue that you find interesting.

2. Create a newspaper format: Determine the layout and design for your newspaper. Divide the four pages into different sections such as front page, news, features, and opinion. Consider including headlines, subheadings, images, and relevant graphics to make it visually appealing.

3. Front-page news: On the front page, introduce the play and capture the reader's attention with an engaging headline. Include a brief summary of the play, the author's background, and its significance. Add an eye-catching image related to the play or a relevant quote.

4. News section: In this section, explore the major events and conflicts within the play. Write articles discussing the Salem witch trials, the historical context, and the impact of religion in the play. Include interviews, quotes, and analysis of the characters and their motivations.

5. Features section: Dedicate a page to in-depth analysis and character development. Write profiles of the main characters, including their backgrounds, motivations, and relationships. Discuss the themes of hysteria, guilt, and the abuse of power within the play. You can also include an interview with the playwright or other relevant experts.

6. Opinion section: This section can include editorials or opinion pieces discussing the play's themes and relevance to contemporary society. Encourage different perspectives and invite your readers to share their thoughts on the play. Remember to support your opinions with evidence from the text.

7. Visuals and graphics: Enhance your newspaper by incorporating relevant visuals. Include images of the characters, scenes from the play, or historical illustrations. Use relevant graphics like charts, graphs, or infographics to support your articles or highlight key themes.

8. Proofread and edit: Review your newspaper for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and formatting issues. Ensure that your articles flow smoothly and the layout is consistent. Ask a classmate, teacher, or family member to proofread your work for a fresh perspective.

9. Print or digital publication: Once you're satisfied with your newspaper, decide if you want to print physical copies or create a digital version. If printing, make sure to format it properly and consider using high-quality paper. If going digital, convert your newspaper into a PDF or use an online platform to publish it.

Remember, the key to making a great newspaper is thorough research, well-written articles, and engaging visuals. By following these steps, you should be able to create an informative and visually appealing four-page newspaper on "The Crucible." Good luck with your project!