Make up set Set of7 numbers having this landmarks mode21. Median24 maximum 35 range 20


Make up set of 7 numbers having these landmarks: mode 21, Median 24, maximum 35, range 20.

If the maximum is 35 and the range is 20, that means the minimum is 15.
15 __ __ __ __ __ 35
We know the median (number in the middle) is 24.
15 __ __ 24 __ __ 35
The mode (used most often) is 21. We have to have two 21's, because it has to be used more than the others, and we can't have more than 2 because there is no room.
15 21 21 24 __ __ 35
Now that we fit all the conditions, the remaining two spots can be any numbers between 24 and 35 as long as we don't repeat numbers (because then 21 wouldn't be the mode).
15 21 21 24 25 31 35

To create a set of 7 numbers with the given landmarks, follow these steps:

1. Start by finding the range, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values. The given range is 20.

Range = 20

2. Next, determine the mode, which is the number that appears most frequently. The mode given is 21.

Mode = 21

3. Then, find the median, which is the middle value when the numbers are arranged in ascending order. The given median is 24.

Median = 24

4. We know that the maximum value is 35.

Maximum = 35

5. Now, let's calculate the minimum value using the range formula:

Minimum = Maximum - Range

Minimum = 35 - 20
Minimum = 15

6. To create a set of 7 numbers satisfying all the given landmarks, we can use the following approach:

- Choose 3 numbers less than the median: 15, 16, 20
- Choose 1 number equal to the median: 24
- Choose 3 numbers greater than the median: 30, 32, 35

So, a set of 7 numbers complying with the given landmarks is:

{15, 16, 20, 24, 30, 32, 35}

Make sure to note that this is just one possible set of 7 numbers that satisfies the given landmarks. There could be other valid sets as well.

To create a set of 7 numbers with the given landmarks, we need to consider the mode, median, maximum, and range. Let's break down each requirement and find suitable numbers.

1. Mode: The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the set. Since the mode is given as 21, we need at least two numbers in the set that are equal to 21.

2. Median: The median is the middle value of an ordered set. Since we have 7 numbers, the median will be the 4th value in the sorted set. The median is given as 24, so we can choose one number that is equal to or less than 24 and two numbers that are equal to or greater than 24.

3. Maximum: The maximum is the largest value in the set. The maximum is given as 35, so we can choose two numbers that are less than or equal to 35 and two numbers that are greater than or equal to 35.

4. Range: The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the set. The range is given as 20, which means the difference between the largest and smallest numbers will be 20.

Based on these requirements, we can create the following set of 7 numbers:
21, 21, 24, 24, 35, 35, 55

Now, let's verify if this set meets the given landmarks:
- Mode: The mode is 21, and we have two numbers equal to 21.
- Median: The median is 24, and the 4th and 5th numbers in the sorted set are both 24.
- Maximum: The maximum is 35, and we have two numbers equal to 35.
- Range: The range is 20, and the difference between the largest number (55) and the smallest number (35) is indeed 20.

Therefore, the set {21, 21, 24, 24, 35, 35, 55} satisfies all the given landmarks.