find three rational numbers between the negtive square root of 26 and the negtive square root of 15 and explain how you got the answer

To find three rational numbers between the negative square root of 26 and the negative square root of 15, we need to find three fractions that lie between these two values.

Step 1: Find the common denominator
The square root of 26 is an irrational number, so we cannot directly convert it to a fraction. However, we can estimate its value to find a suitable common denominator. The square root of 26 is approximately 5.099.

Step 2: Convert the values to fractions
Now, let's convert the square root of 26 to a fraction using its approximate value: 5.099.

The numerator will be the square root of 26, which is 5.099, and the denominator will be 1:
√26 ≈ 5.099/1

Similarly, let's convert the square root of 15 to a fraction. Its approximate value is 3.873.

√15 ≈ 3.873/1

Step 3: Find rational numbers in between
To find the rational numbers in between, we just need to add or subtract fractions with a common denominator.

Since we are looking for negative rational numbers, we will consider the negative sign in front of both fractions.

To find the first rational number, we subtract 1 from the fraction representing the square root of 26:

-5.099/1 - 1/1 = -6.099/1 = -6.099

To find the second rational number, we take the average of the two fractions:

(-5.099/1 - 3.873/1) ÷ 2 = -4.486

To find the third rational number, we subtract 1 from the fraction representing the square root of 15:

-3.873/1 - 1/1 = -4.873/1 = -4.873

Therefore, the three rational numbers between the negative square root of 26 and the negative square root of 15 are approximately -6.099, -4.486, and -4.873.