how dose mitosis let you survive?

Mitosis is a fundamental process of cell division that allows organisms to grow, develop, and maintain their bodies. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the survival and functioning of living organisms. Here's how mitosis enables us to survive:

1. Tissue Repair and Regeneration: When our body gets injured or damaged, mitosis helps in the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. It allows damaged cells to divide and form new cells, which replace the old or damaged ones. This ensures that our body can heal and recover from injuries or wounds.

2. Growth and Development: During periods of growth, mitosis is responsible for the increase in the number of cells in our body. As cells divide, new tissues and organs are formed, allowing our bodies to grow and develop. Without mitosis, our bodies would not be able to grow or reach their full potential.

3. Cell Replacement: Mitosis also enables the replacement of old or dying cells in our body. Over time, cells age, become damaged, or die as part of the natural aging process. Mitosis ensures that these old or dying cells are replaced by newly divided cells, maintaining the proper functioning of our body organs and systems.

4. Reproduction: In multicellular organisms, mitosis is involved in the production of new organisms through asexual reproduction. It allows the parent organisms to generate genetically identical offspring by dividing their cells. This ensures the survival and continuity of the species.

By undergoing mitosis, our cells are constantly dividing and renewing, which is essential for the survival and functioning of our bodies.