how many cubic feet are in the volume of a round swimming pool which is 16 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep throughout?Express your answer in terms of pi.


and calculate the volume of water.

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To find the volume of a round swimming pool, you need to calculate the volume of a cylinder, as a round swimming pool can be considered as a cylinder with a certain height and radius.

The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is:

Volume = π * r^2 * h

where π is a mathematical constant (approximately equal to 3.14159), r is the radius, and h is the height.

In this case, the diameter is given as 16 feet. To find the radius (r), divide the diameter by 2:

r = 16 feet / 2
r = 8 feet

The height (h) is given as 4 feet throughout.

Now, substitute the values of r and h into the formula to find the volume:

Volume = π * (8 feet)^2 * 4 feet
Volume = π * 64 square feet * 4 feet
Volume = 256π cubic feet

Therefore, the volume of the swimming pool is 256π cubic feet.