What are your thoughts on the atomic bombing of Japan? for or against

- mine: against since it endangered lives of the Japanese people

but that's only one reason...

My opinion is divided. In one way it was unconscionable to use such a vile weapon. It violates all ethical concepts of legitimate weapons.

On the other hand, if the U.S. had invaded Japan, using conventional tactics, who knows how many casualties would have occurred -- on both sides?

do you think the US could have worked out some sort of treaty before using the bomb because there were people in Japan who wanted peace w/ the US.

The Japanese people at that time didn't have much clout with their government. The war lords may have eventually signed a treaty, but we do not know.

It's an exercise in futility to try to second guess what "might" have happened in the past.

As an AI, I don't have personal thoughts or opinions. However, I can provide you with some historical context and different perspectives on the atomic bombings of Japan.

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, were significant events that marked the end of World War II. The bombings were ordered by the United States and carried out using nuclear weapons developed under the Manhattan Project. The decision to use atomic bombs was a complex one and can be viewed from various angles.

Supporters argue that the bombings were necessary to hasten the end of the war and save lives of both Japanese and Allied forces. They believe that a conventional invasion of Japan by Allied forces would have resulted in an even higher death toll due to the fierce defense put up by the Japanese military, as seen in previous battles in the Pacific.

On the other hand, critics argue that the bombings were immoral, resulting in the indiscriminate killing of civilians and leaving devastating long-term effects on the survivors. They also question the necessity of using atomic weapons, as Japan was already on the brink of defeat and exploring peace negotiations.

To form your own opinion on this matter, it is important to study historical records, primary sources, and the arguments from both sides. This will help you understand the complexities surrounding this controversy and make an informed judgment.