Please help with estimate and calculate quotients. I do not understand what magnitude estimate is and to circle a box between 0.1s 1s 10s 100s examples of what i mean are

29.52 divided by 8
989 divided by 43
845 divided by 5
15.94 divided by 9

please help

poooieee!!! its sooo punkin easy!

5 divided by 1.725

Butt face

If you use $63.00 divided by 9 to estimate $62.59 divided by 9 is $7.00 greater than or less than the exact answer. Explain

i love all my fans

this is a bad website.

To estimate and calculate quotients, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Magnitude estimate
- A magnitude estimate is an approximation of the answer to a division problem based on the magnitudes (sizes) of the numbers being divided.
- To perform a magnitude estimate, you need to determine if the quotient will be closer to 0, a number between 0 and 1, 1, a number between 1 and 10, 10, a number between 10 and 100, or 100, a number greater than 100.
- To circle a box between 0.1s, 1s, 10s, or 100s, you need to identify the magnitude estimate range that best represents the quotient you expect.

Step 2: Division calculation
- After estimating, you can then proceed to calculate the actual quotient.

Now, let's apply these steps to the given examples:

1. 6/78.6:
- Magnitude estimate: The numerator (6) is much smaller than the denominator (78.6), so the quotient will be closer to 0. Thus, circle the box representing 0.1s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 6 ÷ 78.6 = 0.0764 (rounded to four decimal places).

2. 3/387:
- Magnitude estimate: The numerator (3) is smaller than the denominator (387), so the quotient will be closer to 0. Thus, circle the box representing 0.1s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 3 ÷ 387 = 0.0078 (rounded to four decimal places).

3. 29.52 divided by 8:
- Magnitude estimate: Both numbers are relatively close in magnitude, so the quotient will be between 1 and 10. Circle the box representing 1s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 29.52 ÷ 8 = 3.69 (rounded to two decimal places).

4. 989 divided by 43:
- Magnitude estimate: The numerator (989) is larger than the denominator (43), so the quotient will be greater than 10. Circle the box representing 10s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 989 ÷ 43 = 22.95 (rounded to two decimal places).

5. 845 divided by 5:
- Magnitude estimate: The numerator (845) is much larger than the denominator (5), so the quotient will be greater than 100. Circle the box representing 100s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 845 ÷ 5 = 169.

6. 15.94 divided by 9:
- Magnitude estimate: Both numbers are relatively close in magnitude, so the quotient will be between 1 and 10. Circle the box representing 1s.
- Division calculation: Perform the division: 15.94 ÷ 9 = 1.77 (rounded to two decimal places).

By following these steps, you can estimate and calculate quotients of given division problems.