please help me unscramble oaoptvaien,aionitnrptsa rawdoungete & ntsiocnndeoa

The last word is condensation. As for the other words, be very sure you have all the ltters correctly listed.


This seems to be a dubious way to teach science to anyone. If you are going to just send people to an online word unscrambler, you'd better get all the letters right first.

To unscramble the given words, you can follow these steps:

1. oaoptvaien: The unscrambled word is "ovation."
2. aionitnrptsa: The unscrambled word is "aspiration."
3. rawdoungete: The unscrambled word is "waterlogged."
4. ntsiocnndeoa: The unscrambled word is "conditioned."

Remember, there isn't a specific tool or website that can unscramble words in real-time. Instead, you can use strategies like rearranging the letters, looking for patterns, and identifying common prefixes or suffixes.