
2x-1/3x * x+1/2x

To multiply these terms, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fractions, if possible.
- For the first term, 2x - 1/3x, we can simplify the fraction 1/3x by multiplying the numerator (1) with x and the denominator (3x) by x. This gives us 1x/3x^2, which can be further simplified to x/3x^2.
- Similarly, for the second term, x + 1/2x, we can simplify the fraction 1/2x by multiplying the numerator (1) with 2x and the denominator (2x) by 2x. This gives us 2x^2/2x^2, which simplifies to x/2.

Step 2: Multiply the terms.
- To multiply both terms, we can combine them by multiplying their numerators and denominators together. This gives us (x/3x^2) * (x/2).

Step 3: Simplify the result, if possible.
- We can simplify this multiplication further by multiplying the numerators (x * x) and the denominators (3x^2 * 2). This gives us x^2/6x^2.

Therefore, the result of multiplying 2x - 1/3x and x + 1/2x is x^2/6x^2.