reduce the fraction 6x/12x to lowest terms.

1/2 right

To reduce the fraction 6x/12x to lowest terms, we can simplify by canceling out any common factors in the numerator and denominator.

Step 1: Factor the numerator and denominator:
The numerator is 6x, which can be further factored as 6 * x.
The denominator is 12x, which can be further factored as 12 * x.

Step 2: Cancel out any common factors:
We can cancel out the common factor 6 and x in the numerator and denominator.

6x/12x = (6 * x)/(12 * x) = (6/6) * (x/12) = 1 * (x/12) = x/12.

Therefore, the fraction 6x/12x reduces to x/12 in its lowest terms.