list 3 examples of natural activities or events that carry thermal energy from within Earth directly to Earth's surface.

I don't get what kinds of activities its referring to.

The question is asking for examples of natural activities or events that transfer thermal energy generated within the Earth to the Earth's surface. In this context, "activities" and "events" refer to natural processes or phenomena that occur within the Earth and have the effect of transferring thermal energy to the surface. Here are three examples:

1. Volcanic eruptions: During a volcanic eruption, molten rock from deep within the Earth's mantle, known as magma, is expelled onto the Earth's surface. This molten rock carries a significant amount of thermal energy, which is released as lava flows or in the form of ash and gas. The transfer of this thermal energy from the magma to the Earth's surface is a natural process that impacts the temperature of the surrounding area.

2. Geothermal activity: Geothermal activity refers to the transfer of heat from the Earth's interior to the surface through the movement of hot water or steam. This often occurs in areas with geologically active features, such as geysers, hot springs, or fumaroles. The underground reservoirs of hot water or steam are heated by the Earth's internal heat sources, such as magma chambers or geothermal gradients, and subsequently released or discharged at the surface, carrying thermal energy with them.

3. Earthquakes: While earthquakes are primarily the result of tectonic plate movements and the release of accumulated stress in the Earth's crust, they can also have an effect on thermal energy distribution. During an earthquake, the movement of rock layers and the friction generated as they rub against each other can lead to the release of thermal energy. This energy can transfer from the deeper layers of the Earth's interior to the surface, affecting the temperature in the vicinity of the earthquake.

Remember, these examples represent natural processes that transfer thermal energy generated within the Earth to the Earth's surface.