ascuba diver is 180 ft below sea level and rises to the vsurface at a rate of 30 ft/min.How long will the diver take to reach the surface?

6 minutes

it would take the scuba diver 6 minutes

180/30 = ?

6 minutes my friend :)

To determine how long it will take for the diver to reach the surface, we need to calculate the time taken to cover the distance between the diver's current depth and the surface.

- The diver is currently 180 ft below sea level.
- The diver ascends at a rate of 30 ft/min.

We can use the formula: time = distance / rate.

The distance to cover is from the current depth (180 ft below sea level) to the surface (which is at sea level, 0 ft).

Distance = 0 ft (surface) - (-180 ft) (current depth)
Distance = 0 ft + 180 ft
Distance = 180 ft

Rate = 30 ft/min

Using the formula, we can now calculate the time:
Time = Distance / Rate
Time = 180 ft / 30 ft/min
Time = 6 minutes

Therefore, the diver will take approximately 6 minutes to reach the surface.