In Peace Like a River by Leif Enger how are Jape Waltzer and Davy Land similar and different?

To analyze how Jape Waltzer and Davy Land are similar and different in the book Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, we first need to examine their characteristics, actions, and role in the story. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. Read the book: Begin by reading the book Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. It's essential to have a solid understanding of the characters and their development throughout the story.

2. Observe their actions: Take note of the actions and decisions both Jape Waltzer and Davy Land make throughout the book. Look for similarities and differences in their behavior, motivations, and how they respond to specific situations.

3. Examine their personalities: Consider their distinct personalities. Look at their values, beliefs, and the way they interact with others. Are they introverted or extroverted? Are they compassionate or self-centered?

4. Analyze their relationships: Pay attention to the relationships Jape Waltzer and Davy Land have with other characters in the book. How do they interact with each other? Are they friends, rivals, or indifferent towards one another?

5. Evaluate their roles in the story: Consider their individual roles within the plot. Do they help drive the story forward or play a minor role? Do they have any significant impact on other characters or events in the book?

6. Compare and contrast: Once you have gathered all the necessary information, create a list or table to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Jape Waltzer and Davy Land. Look for patterns and significant points of divergence. For example, you might compare their actions, beliefs, personalities, relationships, or specific events related to each character.

By following these steps, you can analyze and determine the similarities and differences between Jape Waltzer and Davy Land in Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. Remember to provide evidence from the book to support your analysis.