how do you arrange these following numbers to make this equation true 18,9,24,20 and to =18 please help....

To arrange the numbers 18, 9, 24, and 20 to make the equation "to = 18" true, you need to determine the appropriate mathematical operations that can be used. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Start by denoting the numbers: A = 18, B = 9, C = 24, and D = 20.
2. You are trying to arrange these numbers in an equation, which means you need to use mathematical operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), or division (/).
3. Begin by considering the basic operations. Addition and subtraction may not result in the desired value of 18 with the given numbers. So, let's try multiplication and division.
4. One possible approach is (A / B) * (C - D). Let's substitute the values: (18 / 9) * (24 - 20).
5. Simplify within the parentheses: (2) * (4).
6. Multiply: 2 * 4 = 8.
7. Therefore, (A / B) * (C - D) = 8, not 18.

Given the numbers you provided (18, 9, 24, and 20), there is no arrangement and combination of basic mathematical operations that can equate to 18.