What was Alexander the greats'goal wheb he poured out drinking water offered to him ib the desert and what were the results?

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Alexander the Great poured out the drinking water offered to him in the desert because he wanted to show his soldiers that everyone had to share in their hardships equally.

To find the answer to your question, we can start by researching Alexander the Great and his actions in the desert. Alexander the Great was a famous military commander who led the Greek army in numerous successful campaigns. One notable event occurred during his campaign in Persia when his soldiers suffered from water shortages in the desert.

The primary goal behind pouring out the drinking water offered to him was to motivate and inspire his soldiers. By demonstrating his commitment to equality and shared hardship, Alexander aimed to boost morale and camaraderie within his army. He wanted to show his army that they were all in this together and that no one, including himself, would receive any special treatment.

As for the results of this action, it is said that Alexander's soldiers were deeply moved by his example. They were inspired to endure the hardships of the desert and march forward with renewed determination. This incident became one of the many examples of Alexander's exceptional leadership and his ability to evoke loyalty and devotion from his troops.