In “Civil Peace” Jonathan, the main character has a positive outlook on life despite his situation. Explain what is going on around Jonathan and how he is dealing with his difficult situation. Use text support from the story please.

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In "Civil Peace" by Chinua Achebe, Jonathan, the main character, faces a difficult and challenging situation as he navigates the aftermath of the Nigerian Civil War. The story is set in post-war Nigeria, where the society is ravaged and the economy is in ruins. Despite this bleak environment, Jonathan maintains a remarkably positive outlook on life, showing resilience and determination to rebuild his life.

Throughout the story, we can see the challenges Jonathan faces and the ways in which he deals with them. Firstly, we learn that Jonathan's house was untouched by the war, making it a rare "tiny oasis of red earth" in a devastated landscape. This fortunate circumstance gives him a sense of optimism as he recognizes that he has something valuable to hold onto in the midst of chaos.

Jonathan also demonstrates resourcefulness and adaptability in his efforts to rebuild his life. He becomes involved in a variety of small business ventures to make a living. For example, he starts a bar, fishes in the river, and buys a bicycle to work as a taxi driver. These endeavors reflect his willingness to do whatever it takes to support his family and rebuild their lives.

Despite the hardships, Jonathan maintains a positive attitude and finds joy in the small victories and treasures in his life. A significant symbol of hope and resilience is his bicycle, which he affectionately calls his "iron horse." By appreciating this simple possession, Jonathan finds solace in having mobility, which represents freedom and progress.

One of the most powerful examples of Jonathan's positive outlook is his reaction when his bicycle is stolen. Instead of succumbing to despair, he sees it as a minor setback and remarks, "Nothing puzzles God." This statement reflects his strong belief in divine providence and his ability to find meaning even in the face of adversity.

Additionally, Jonathan's determination to preserve his family's well-being and protect them from harm is another aspect that showcases his positive outlook. He takes pride in being a responsible father and husband, working hard to ensure their safety and security. For instance, when a former rebel commander comes to his house demanding money, Jonathan cleverly hides his savings in the grave of one of his children, showing his resourcefulness and commitment to protecting his family's welfare.

In summary, Jonathan's positive outlook on life is evident as he navigates the challenging conditions that surround him in post-war Nigeria. Through his resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to find meaning and joy in the small things, Jonathan demonstrates his unwavering determination to rebuild his life and provide for his family.