Since BrF3 and ClF5 do not obey the octet rule. Did IF7 obey the octet rule? Yes or No?


To determine if IF7 obeys the octet rule, we first need to understand what the octet rule is. The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons so as to have eight electrons in their valence shell. However, there are exceptions to this rule, particularly for elements in the third period or beyond, such as sulfur and phosphorus.

In the case of IF7, iodine (I) is in period 5 of the periodic table. It has 7 valence electrons. Fluorine (F) has 7 valence electrons as well.

To determine if IF7 obeys the octet rule, we need to look at the Lewis structure, where we represent the valence electrons as dots or lines between the atoms.

In the Lewis structure of IF7, we would draw a central iodine atom (I) surrounded by 7 fluorine atoms (F). Each fluorine atom will share one electron with iodine, giving them each 8 electrons (except iodine) or a full octet. Iodine will have a total of 14 electrons in its valence shell.

So, in conclusion, no, IF7 does not obey the octet rule because iodine has more than 8 electrons in its valence shell in the IF7 Lewis structure.