how did the miners of chile get into the earth

The miners of Chile were able to get into the earth by using a mining technique called underground mining. This involves creating a vertical shaft known as a mine shaft, which serves as the main entrance and exit for the miners and their equipment.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the miners of Chile got into the earth:

1. Exploration: The first step is to explore and survey the area to determine the presence and location of valuable minerals. This is typically done through geological surveys and drilling core samples.

2. Designing the mine: Once the minerals are identified, a detailed mine plan is created. This includes determining the size and depth of the mine shaft, as well as the layout of tunnels, shafts, and chambers within the mine.

3. Excavation: The miners start by excavating the mine shaft, which is a vertical or inclined hole through which miners and equipment can access the underground mine. The shaft is typically reinforced with concrete or steel for stability.

4. Ventilation and support systems: As the miners dig deeper into the earth, they need to ensure proper ventilation and support for safety. Ventilation systems provide fresh air and remove hazardous gases and dust. Support systems such as rock bolts, steel beams, or shotcrete are used to stabilize the surrounding rock and prevent collapses.

5. Tunnels and chambers: Once the mine shaft is established, tunnels and chambers are excavated to access the mineral deposits. These are typically horizontal or inclined passages that provide access to the ore bodies.

6. Mining methods: The specific mining method used depends on the type of mineral being extracted. Common methods include drilling and blasting to break up the ore, along with the use of heavy machinery and equipment to extract and transport the minerals to the surface.

It's important to note that the incident you may be referring to occurred in 2010 when 33 miners were trapped underground in the San José Mine in Chile. They were initially working in the mine when a cave-in occurred, blocking their exit. A subsequent rescue operation involved drilling a narrow hole from the surface to reach the trapped miners, providing them with supplies and eventually rescuing them one by one.

If you are referring to this specific incident, it was not how they initially got into the mine, but rather how they were eventually rescued from being trapped underground.