Which one of the disciplines listed here includes experiments as primary sources?


More than one of the disciplines listed here

Natural Sciences

Social Sciences

And your answer is?

natural sciences


The disciplines listed in the question can be categorized into three main categories: Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.

In the Humanities, primary sources typically include original writings, artifacts, and artistic works. Examples of primary sources in the Humanities might be ancient manuscripts, letters, paintings, or sculptures. While experiments are not typically considered primary sources in the Humanities, there may be instances where experiments could be conducted to study and analyze certain artistic techniques or materials, but this is not a primary focus of the discipline.

In the Natural Sciences, experiments are often one of the primary methods of research. The Natural Sciences encompass disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geology, among others. In these fields, experiments are conducted to test hypotheses, make observations, and gather data about the natural world. By conducting experiments, scientists can establish cause and effect relationships, analyze variables, and provide empirical evidence to support their theories.

In the Social Sciences, experiments are also used as a research method but to a lesser extent compared to the Natural Sciences. The Social Sciences include disciplines such as Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science. While experiments can be carried out in these fields, other research methods like surveys, interviews, and observations are also commonly employed. Experiments in the Social Sciences focus more on studying human behavior and social phenomena and often involve controlled settings to test specific hypotheses.

So, to answer the question, the discipline that primarily includes experiments as primary sources is the Natural Sciences. Experimentation plays a central role in the scientific method and is widely used in this field to generate data and support scientific theories. It is important to note that while experiments may also be conducted in the Social Sciences, they are not as prevalent or the sole focus of research in those disciplines.