Steve's mon's age is 7 years less than 3 times Steve's age. The sum of their ages is 65 years. Find their ages.

Let x = Steve's age, then 3x-7 = mom's age.

x + 3x - 7 = 65

Solve for x.

To find their ages, let's assign variables to represent their ages. Let's say Steve's age is "S" and Steve's mom's age is "M".

We are given two pieces of information:
1. Steve's mom's age is 7 years less than 3 times Steve's age: M = 3S - 7
2. The sum of their ages is 65 years: S + M = 65

Now we can solve this system of equations to find their ages.

Substitute the value of M from the first equation (M = 3S - 7) into the second equation:
S + (3S - 7) = 65
Combine like terms:
4S - 7 = 65
Add 7 to both sides:
4S = 72
Divide both sides by 4:
S = 18

Now substitute the value of S into one of the original equations to find M:
M = 3(18) - 7
M = 54 - 7
M = 47

Therefore, Steve is 18 years old and his mom is 47 years old.