How many orbitals have the values n_3(n sub 3) n_3=4 and l_3(l subscript 3) l_3=3 ?

How many orbitals have the values n=4, l=3, and m_l=-2?

I tried 2 for this one but that is not the correct answer.

Could you please help I do not know how to figure out these two problems.

To determine the number of orbitals with specific quantum numbers, we need to use some basic principles.

1. First, remember that the principal quantum number (n) represents the energy level or shell the electron occupies. It can have any positive integer value starting from 1.

2. The azimuthal quantum number (l) specifies the shape of the orbital and can have values from 0 to (n-1), where n is the principal quantum number.

3. The magnetic quantum number (m_l) determines the orientation of the orbital and can have values from -l to +l.

Now, let's solve the problems step by step.

For the first question: How many orbitals have the values n_3 = 4 and l_3 = 3?

1. The principal quantum number is given as n_3 = 4, indicating the electron is in the fourth energy level or shell.

2. The azimuthal quantum number is given as l_3 = 3, indicating that the electron is in a d orbital. The d orbital has five different orientations (l=2), namely -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2.

So, for l_3 = 3, the electron is not in a valid orbital since the d orbitals only have orientations of -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. Therefore, there are no orbitals with n_3=4 and l_3=3.

For the second question: How many orbitals have the values n=4, l=3, and m_l=-2?

1. The principal quantum number is given as n = 4, indicating the electron is in the fourth energy level or shell.

2. The azimuthal quantum number is given as l = 3, indicating that the electron is in a f orbital. The f orbital has seven different orientations (l=3), namely -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and 3.

3. The magnetic quantum number is given as m_l = -2, indicating the orientation of -2 for the f orbital.

Since there is one orbital (f orbital) with seven possible orientations for l=3, the number of orbitals with n=4, l=3, and m_l=-2 is indeed 1.

In summary:
- For the first question, there are no orbitals with n_3=4 and l_3=3.
- For the second question, there is one orbital with n=4, l=3, and m_l=-2.