Is every square a rectangle?

Is every rectangle a square?

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I think every square a rectangle. At the same time every rectangle can't be a square.

No, every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square.

To understand why, let's start by defining what a square and a rectangle are:

- A square is a special type of rectangle where all four sides are equal in length and all four angles are right angles (90 degrees).
- A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles (90 degrees). It has opposite sides that are equal in length.

Now, since a square is a type of rectangle, every square meets the definition of a rectangle. This is because a square has all the properties of a rectangle: four right angles, opposite sides parallel, and opposite sides equal in length.

On the other hand, not every rectangle is a square. This is because a rectangle only requires opposite sides to be parallel and equal in length, without any requirement for all four sides to have the same length. Therefore, there are rectangles with sides of different lengths, while a square has all sides equal in length.

In summary, every square is a rectangle because it meets the criteria for being a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square because it may lack the criteria of having all four sides equal in length.