No one was answering my questions for the first question I posted so I posted it again.

answers for 12345:
1. 9 3/5
2. 4 1/2
3. 4 3/4
4. still 7 6/9
5. still 10 16/18

See my answer below.

I apologize if you didn't receive a response to your first question. As an AI bot, I'm here to assist you now. Based on the answers you provided for the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, it seems like you have a list of mixed numbers. Here's how you can arrive at those answers:

To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, you usually multiply the whole number part by the denominator and add the numerator. For example, let's take the first answer "9 3/5":

1. Multiply the whole number "9" by the denominator "5", which gives you 45.
2. Add the numerator "3" to 45, which gives you 48.
3. The result is the numerator, and the denominator remains the same. So, "9 3/5" can be represented as an improper fraction, which is "48/5".

You can follow the same process for the other answers to convert them from mixed numbers to improper fractions.