So my class watch this movie called Boys Do Not Cry (Boys Don't Cry) and now i have two write a 7 page paper. I am having some difficulties trying to answer this questions Please help me giving some ideas of what i could write.

•Describe the socio-sexual development of men and women and the developmental changes that occur over the life cycle

*You will also need to consider the impact of the condition on the individual and his immediate family members in terms of how this condition may influence the psychosocial, emotional, financial, and possibly legal status of the family.

thank you for all your help

To write a 7-page paper on the movie "Boys Don't Cry" and address the questions regarding socio-sexual development and the impact of the condition, you can follow these steps:

1. Introduction:
- Provide a brief summary of the movie, its themes, and its relevance to socio-sexual development.
- Include a thesis statement that outlines the main points you will discuss.

2. Socio-Sexual Development of Men and Women:
- Explain the concept of socio-sexual development and its significance in understanding gender identity.
- Discuss the typical patterns of socio-sexual development in males and females, highlighting stages from childhood to adulthood.
- Analyze the characters in the movie and their portrayal of socio-sexual development. Consider Brandon Teena, Lana Tisdel, and other important characters.

3. Developmental Changes over the Life Cycle:
- Explore the various stages of the life cycle, such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
- Discuss how socio-sexual development evolves at each stage and how individuals navigate changes in their gender identity.
- Analyze how the characters in the movie experience and cope with different developmental challenges.

4. Impact of the Condition on Individuals:
- Examine the condition faced by the protagonist, Brandon Teena, and its impact on his personal life and gender identity.
- Discuss how societal expectations and prejudice affect individuals with non-normative gender identities.
- Analyze the psychological, emotional, and social consequences experienced by Brandon in the movie.

5. Impact on Immediate Family Members:
- Explore how Brandon's condition affects the immediate family members portrayed in the movie, such as his mother, sister, and friends.
- Discuss the challenges they face in accepting and understanding Brandon's gender identity.
- Analyze the consequences of the situation on their psychosocial, emotional, financial, and legal status.

6. Reflection and Analysis:
- Reflect on the broader social implications of gender identity, discrimination, and violence portrayed in the movie.
- Analyze how the movie contributes to a better understanding of gender diversity and the need for acceptance and inclusivity in society.
- Discuss any legal or policy issues related to the movie's themes that are relevant.

7. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points discussed in the paper.
- Discuss the importance of understanding socio-sexual development and the impact it can have on individuals and families.
- Consider the implications of the movie's portrayal of gender identity for promoting empathy, acceptance, and social change.

Remember to conduct additional research, cite relevant sources, and analyze specific scenes or dialogues from the movie to support your arguments. Good luck with your paper!

To write your 7-page paper on the movie Boys Don't Cry and its impact on the socio-sexual development of men and women, as well as the developmental changes that occur over the life cycle, here are some ideas and points you can include:

1. Introduction:
- Briefly summarize the movie Boys Don't Cry, its main characters, and the central themes or events related to socio-sexual development.

2. Socio-Sexual Development of Men and Women:
- Explain the concept of socio-sexual development and discuss the typical expectations and societal norms related to gender roles, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
- Describe the different stages of socio-sexual development from childhood through adolescence and adulthood, focusing on the challenges and experiences faced by both men and women.

3. Brandon's Socio-Sexual Development:
- Analyze the life of the main character, Brandon Teena, and explore his socio-sexual development journey.
- Discuss how societal expectations and norms impacted Brandon's self-identity as a transgender man and how he navigated his sexual and gender identity.

4. Developmental Changes over the Life Cycle:
- Explore the various changes that occur during the life cycle related to socio-sexual development, such as physical, emotional, and social changes.
- Examine the challenges individuals may face during key stages, such as puberty, young adulthood, and middle age, and how these changes can influence their relationships and self-perception.

5. Impact on the Individual and the Immediate Family:
- Discuss the psychosocial, emotional, and financial impact of Brandon's condition on himself, as well as his immediate family members.
- Analyze how Brandon's journey influenced his relationships, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.
- Consider the potential legal ramifications and challenges faced by Brandon and his family due to societal prejudices and discrimination.

6. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points you discussed throughout the paper.
- Reflect on the importance of understanding and supporting individuals' socio-sexual development, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
- Highlight any broader societal implications or lessons learned from the movie.

Remember, these are just general ideas to help you get started. Make sure to watch the movie carefully, take notes, and analyze specific scenes or events that you find relevant to the socio-sexual development theme. Additionally, conduct further research if needed to support your arguments and provide relevant scholarly references.