The number of pages is a 2-digit number. the number of photos on a page is a 1- digit number. the number of pages is 60 more than the number of photos on a page. the number of pages is divided by the number of photos on a page is 16. What is the number of pages?????????


# of photos on a page is 4
to get 4 as the # of photos, since it must be a 1 digit # you can use trial and error

i think you are smart

wow I couldent figure that one out myself.. :{

To find the number of pages, we can use the given information and solve the problem step by step.

Let's assume the number of pages is represented by the variable 'p', and the number of photos on a page is represented by the variable 'ph'.

According to the given information:
1) The number of pages is a 2-digit number.
This means that the value of 'p' lies between 10 and 99.

2) The number of photos on a page is a 1-digit number.
This means that the value of 'ph' lies between 1 and 9.

3) The number of pages is 60 more than the number of photos on a page.
We can represent this relationship as an equation: p = ph + 60.

4) The number of pages divided by the number of photos on a page is 16.
This gives us the equation: p / ph = 16.

Now, we can solve these equations to find the value of 'p':

From equation 3, p = ph + 60.

Substituting this value of 'p' into equation 4, we get:

ph + 60 / ph = 16.

Multiplying both sides by 'ph' to eliminate the denominator, we have:

ph^2 + 60 = 16ph.

Rearranging the equation, we get:

ph^2 - 16ph + 60 = 0.

Factoring this quadratic equation, we get:

(ph - 10)(ph - 6) = 0.

Setting each factor equal to zero, we have:

ph - 10 = 0 OR ph - 6 = 0.

Solving these equations for 'ph', we find two possible values: ph = 10 or ph = 6.

Since the number of photos on a page cannot be 10 (as it is given that it is a 1-digit number), we reject ph = 10.

Therefore, the only valid solution is ph = 6.

Substituting this value back into equation 3, we get:

p = 6 + 60.

p = 66.

Hence, the number of pages is 66.