a lobbyist encourages parents to write letters to their representatives in congress in support of an education bill. this is an example of a. grass roots pressure b. PAC contributions c. a public interest group d. propoganda

What do you think? I'll be glad to check your answer.

I don't think so.

Isn't the lobbyist acting in the interests of the public?

it just says on the wkst that lobbying is bringing pressure to bear on all aspects of the making of public policy

Doesn't that show that c is the answer?

yes? lol

The correct answer is a. grass roots pressure.

Grassroots pressure refers to activities organized at the local level by individuals or groups who are concerned about a particular issue and want to influence government decision-making. In this scenario, the lobbyist is encouraging parents to write letters to their representatives in Congress in support of an education bill. This direct engagement by individual parents is an example of grassroots pressure because it involves active participation from the local community to influence elected officials.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options you provided:

a. Grassroots pressure: Grassroots pressure involves engaging individuals or local communities to influence government decisions.

b. PAC contributions: Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions typically refer to donations made by interest groups or individuals to a PAC, which then donates the money to political campaigns. While lobbying efforts by interest groups can involve PAC contributions, that is not the case in this scenario.

c. Public interest group: A public interest group is an organization that works to promote the common good and advocate for issues that benefit the public at large. While lobbying can be a strategy used by public interest groups, the scenario does not clearly indicate that the lobbyist represents a specific public interest group.

d. Propaganda: Propaganda refers to the spreading of biased or misleading information to shape public opinion. Encouraging parents to write letters to their representatives in Congress about a specific education bill does not necessarily involve spreading biased or misleading information.

To recap, in the given scenario, the lobbyist's initiative to encourage parents to write letters to their representatives in Congress in support of an education bill is an example of grassroots pressure.