4.745 eq. of magnesium will displace how many grams of silver from a silver nitrate solution?

I have written the equation as follows:
Mg + 2AgNO3 = Mg(NO3)2 + 2Ag

I'm not sure how to proceed with converting the 4.745 eq.

Any help would be appreciated.

Do you want to work this with equivalents?

You know 1 equivalent of Mg = 1 equivalent of Ag = 1 equivalent of anything.
That means we will form 4.745 equivalents of Ag. What is the equivalent weight of Ag? 107.9?
4.745 equivalents x 107.9 = ?? g Ag.
Note: If you were working in grams, you would convert grams Mg to moles Mg, use the coefficients in the balanced equation to convert moles Mg to moles Ag, then multiply by the molar mass Ag to convert to grams.
In equivalents, you have equivalents given, (you don't need to convert moles of Mg to moles Ag--equivalents takes care of all of that), and you go directly to the last step. For moles it is
g = moles x molar mass
For equivalents, it is
g = equivalents x equivalent weight.