$7.80/hour = ______ cents/minute?


=780 cent per minute
Did you get it?

That's not right. Do 7.80/60

To find the number of cents per minute, you need to convert the hourly rate of $7.80 into the rate per minute.

Step 1: Convert the hourly rate into cents. Since there are 100 cents in one dollar, you will multiply the hourly rate by 100 to convert it into cents:
$7.80 x 100 = 780 cents.

Step 2: Convert the hourly rate into minutes. There are 60 minutes in one hour, so you will divide the hourly rate by 60 to get the rate per minute:
780 cents / 60 minutes = 13 cents/minute.

Therefore, $7.80/hour is equal to 13 cents/minute.