cube has avolume of 729 cubic centimeters what is its side length

Ok. I'll if I can help.

So volume = area * height, right?
But the area of a face of a cube, or a square is just the side^2. Correct?
And the height is the side length, because a the length width and height of a cube are all the same.

side^3 = 729.
Basically you have to take the cube root of 729 to get the side length.
Did that help?

V = s^3

729 = s^3


To find the side length of a cube, we need to take the cube root of its volume.

In this case, the volume of the cube is given as 729 cubic centimeters. To find the side length, we take the cube root of 729.

The cube root of a number means finding a number that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals the given number.

So, we need to find x such that x * x * x = 729.

To do this, we can use a calculator or a math software application that can calculate cube roots.

By inputting 729 and calculating its cube root, we find that the cube root of 729 is 9.

Therefore, the side length of the cube is 9 centimeters.