a graph of melting point against relative atomic mass for the alkali metals on the same graph, a plot of the boiling points with a sentence to describe the information the graph gives

To create a graph of melting point against relative atomic mass for the alkali metals, you will need the data for the melting points and relative atomic masses of each alkali metal. The relative atomic mass of an element can be found on the periodic table. The melting points can be researched from reliable sources such as scientific databases or textbooks.

Once you have gathered the required data, you can plot a graph with the x-axis representing the relative atomic mass and the y-axis representing the melting point in degrees Celsius. Each alkali metal will correspond to a data point on the graph, where the x-coordinate will be the relative atomic mass, and the y-coordinate will be the melting point.

After plotting the graph for the alkali metals' melting points, you can add another plot on the same graph to represent the boiling points. The data for the boiling points of alkali metals can also be obtained from reliable sources.

Adding descriptive information to the graph could involve a sentence summarizing the trends or patterns observed from the plotted data. For instance, you could state: "The graph of melting point against relative atomic mass for the alkali metals shows a general trend of decreasing melting points with increasing relative atomic mass. This suggests that as the size of the atoms increases, the forces holding the metal ions together weaken, leading to lower melting points. Additionally, the graph also includes plots of the boiling points which demonstrate a similar trend of decreasing values as atomic mass increases."

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