Many programs that prepare teachers and paraprofessionals for their new career require students to create a professional portfolio as a record of their professional development. Use Appendix A to help you create a Professional Development Plan—a component that can be added to your professional portfolio. In a 2,100- to 2,500-word paper composed in Microsoft© Word, include answers to the following questions:

o What are your goals in the next five years? In the next 10 or more years?
o What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles can you foresee and how will you overcome them?
o What is one principle from the INTASC Principles Web site that you feel you need to improve the most in order to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development program(s) could you pursue to address the need to improve in this area?
o What professional development programs can you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of today's learners?
o How will you evaluate your progress? What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals?
o What professional organizations will you join? Why? What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations?
o What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills?

I need help figuring out where to start on this, I am a little lost. I know once I can get it started, I can do a good job, I just don't know where to start.

1. Use Appendix A to create a professional development plan.

2. Answer the questions:

a. What are your goals in the next five years? In the next 10 or more years?


Take each question one at a time. Answer the questions first.

Then, you should be able to use your answers to write your plan.

You have to break something this large into pieces. Once you get the pieces drafted, you can put them together and revise until it's a coherent whole.

Start with Appendix A. Since no one here has a clue what's in it, you'll have to use it "to help you create a Professional Development Plan" -- and then take each of the bulleted questions and write an extensive response to each one.

Until you do those things, you cannot begin to put it all together into a proper response.

They ask you a series of questions about yourself. The best place to start would be by answering them with sentences.

Then arrange the answers in an essay form, with paragraph structure. You will have a lot of materiakl to work with.

obstacles in the first year of teaching

Starting a project like this can feel overwhelming, but with a clear plan and some guidance, you can make progress. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started on your Professional Development Plan:

1. Familiarize yourself with the assignment: Read the given prompt carefully, paying attention to the specific questions you need to answer. Understand the requirements, word count, and any formatting instructions provided.

2. Review Appendix A: Appendix A is likely a resource or document that you need to refer to for guidance in creating your professional development plan. Read it carefully to gain an understanding of what it contains and how it can assist you in answering the questions. It may provide examples, tips, or a framework that you can follow.

3. Brainstorm your goals: Take some time to reflect on your future career aspirations. Consider where you want to be in the next five years and the next ten or more years. Think about your professional growth, the positions you'd like to hold, and any specific achievements you want to accomplish.

4. Write down your goals: Once you have your goals in mind, write them down. Be specific and articulate what you hope to achieve. This will serve as a foundation for the rest of your plan.

5. Break down your goals into actionable steps: For each goal, identify the steps necessary to reach it. Consider the skills, knowledge, and experiences you need to acquire and the milestones you need to pass. Think about the resources and support systems you may need along the way.

6. Be aware of potential obstacles: Anticipate challenges or obstacles that may come your way as you work towards your goals. It could be lack of resources, time constraints, or personal limitations. Identifying these challenges will help you prepare strategies to overcome them.

7. Address the INTASC Principle: Choose one principle from the INTASC Principles website that you believe you need to improve the most to be effective in the education profession. Explain why you have selected that principle and indicate existing professional development programs that can help you enhance your skills in that area.

8. Research professional development programs: Investigate the various professional development programs available to help you meet the diverse needs of today's learners. Look for reputable organizations, courses, or certifications that align with your goals and the needs of your future students.

9. Establish evaluation methods: Determine how you will measure your progress towards your goals. Set benchmarks or milestones to assess your development. Consider tools like self-reflection, journaling, or seeking feedback from mentors or supervisors. Identify what keeps you motivated and utilize it as a driving force.

10. Explore professional organizations: Research professional organizations related to the education field. Look for ones that align with your interests and goals. Evaluate the benefits of membership, such as networking opportunities, access to resources, and professional development opportunities.

11. Develop leadership skills: Consider techniques and strategies that can help you develop leadership skills. This could include seeking out leadership roles or participating in workshops, courses, or conferences focused on leadership development. Highlight the importance of leadership in your future career and how it can benefit your professional growth.

12. Create an outline: Organize your thoughts and the information you have gathered into a logical structure. Create an outline that follows the provided questions and sub-questions. This will serve as a roadmap for your paper.

13. Start writing: Begin drafting your paper based on your outline. Provide thoughtful, complete, and well-supported answers to each question. Maintain a consistent flow throughout the paper and ensure your ideas are coherent and well-explained.

14. Revise and refine: Review your draft for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Pay attention to the word count and make sure you have addressed all the components of the assignment. Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or instructors to improve the quality of your paper.

15. Proofread and edit: Check your final draft for any spelling or grammatical errors. Ensure your paper is well-structured, coherent, and follows any formatting guidelines provided.

Remember, the key to success is taking it one step at a time. Break down the assignment into manageable tasks, and don't hesitate to seek help or guidance from your instructors or peers if needed. Good luck with your Professional Development Plan!