don williams invested some money st 9% simple interest. At the end of the year, the total amount of his original principal and the interest was $6.540. How much did he originally invest

P * 1.09 = $6.540 (think you have a typo)

P = $6.540 / 1.09

ya i see it sorry it should read don invested some money at 9%

I believe Damon was referring to this figure: $6.540

Did he only invest six dollars and 54 cents?

To find out how much Don Williams originally invested, we can set up an equation.

Let's assume the original principal Don Williams invested is 'P' dollars.

According to the problem, the money is invested at a 9% simple interest rate. This means that after one year, he would earn an amount equal to 9% of his original investment.

The interest earned after one year would be 0.09P dollars.

Adding the original principal and the interest earned, we get the total amount at the end of the year, which is given as $6,540.

So, the equation becomes:
P + 0.09P = 6,540

Combining like terms, we rewrite the equation as:
1.09P = 6,540

To solve for P, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.09:

P = 6,540 / 1.09

Calculating this, we find that Don Williams originally invested approximately $6,000.

Therefore, Don Williams originally invested $6,000.