6-6*6+6/6=1 where will the parentheses go in order for this to become true?

((6-6)x6)+6/6 = 1

in 6-6÷6×6+6=0 where would the parenthesis go

To determine where the parentheses should go in the expression 6-6*6+6/6 for it to equal 1, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as "PEMDAS" or "BODMAS").

PEMDAS stands for:
1. Parentheses
2. Exponents (i.e., powers and square roots)
3. Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
4. Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Given that expression, we can simplify it step by step to find the correct placement for the parentheses:

1. Start with the original expression: 6-6*6+6/6
2. Following the order of operations, perform the multiplication first: 6-36+6/6
3. Next, perform the division: 6-36+1
4. Lastly, perform the subtraction and addition from left to right: -30+1

Based on this calculation, we see that the result is -29, not 1. Therefore, the original expression 6-6*6+6/6 cannot be made equal to 1 by adding parentheses.