Lower case letters that come after the capital letter(s), e.g., KJk, labeling a rock unit represent the rock unit's _

Rock name.

Lower case letters that come after the capital letter(s), e.g., KJk, labeling a rock unit represent the rock unit's

The lower case letters that come after the capital letter(s) in a rock unit label represent the specific subdivision or subunit within that rock unit. These lower case letters are often used in geology to provide further detail about the rocks being described. They help differentiate different layers or components within a larger rock unit.

To determine the meaning or significance of the lower case letters in a specific context, you would need to refer to a geological map or report that provides information about the rock units and their subdivisions. These documents typically include a legend or key that explains the naming conventions used for the rock units and their subunits.

By referring to the key or legend, you will be able to find the specific meaning of the lower case letters associated with the capital letter(s) in question. This could include information such as the lithology, age, formation, members, or other characteristics of the rock unit being labeled.